Vonovia Photoaward

Social Media Appearance

June 2024 - ongoing

Vonovia Photoaward

Vonovia's photo award has been awarded annually since 2017. Under the theme of "home", the photographers always reinterpret the term with their own artistic, documentary or investigative approach. The award thus acts as a seismograph that records the changing meaning of a term that is both politically and culturally charged.

Our goal was to create a fresh, cool and inviting look for Vonovia’s annual photography award. In keeping with the overall CI of the award, the concept follows a 40 px grid system, allowing us to playfully use white space within the posts. Alternating between full-width images, artist portraits and typographic tiles, the feed aims to convey an informative yet visually exciting look and feel.

Following Instagram’s current trend, we aim to create fast, dynamic moving images. Speedy animations and a high density of images act almost like flashes of information, leaving the viewer with an overall impression of the participating photographers.
